Become a Wayfinder

                                 Martha Beck

"When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate."


It's my goal to help you live from your essential self. To live a creative life. How? 

We address and tackle Your Limiting Beliefs. They are very deeply rooted and have been with you most of your life. We change mindset and behavior to enable you to move forward. Where being confronted with your beliefs possibly brings you pain, but getting into motion is often proven to be most difficult. If you find the courage to silence your Inner-Critic and move through the pain into the life you always dreamed of. You change your fate.

Voice training can be really fun. I invented an exercise blowing bubbles to get the breath flowing in a continuous  stream. Supporting the breath you control the outflow. To free the voice you first blow the bubbel than

 you add sound. This can also be done by children. The children choir "De Torenvalkjes" do this together creating cluster  sounds en practicing resonans.

Watch this VIDEO!

Personal life coach

life coach, progressive coach, e-mail coaching, online coaching, Face to Face coaching Esther Linssen

Face to face coaching & E-mail coaching

There is the possibility to have regular coaching face to face or by video calls online.

I also offer e-mail coaching called Mindful Analyses. (MA): In 7 e-mails you write your own document in your own time. As Mindful Analist I guide you through the process of writing asking questions. You are in charge of the content. The interaction changes your mindset and behavior. That helps you move through a crisis or blockage

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Singing Life Coach

 Free your voice | Free yourself

Being a Singer it will not come as a surprise that I choose to be a singing life coach.

To sing freely you not only have to have a proper technique, but also have to overcome fears and blockages. As a singing life coach I have two ways of working.

One is talking whatever is blocking you and singing later in the process is proof of your progress.

The other is discover blockages in singing to live more freely. In that case singing is the Tool.

Then again. It's all in the mix.

Location: IJSSELVILLA Deventer& The Hague

Costs: € 65,- an hour

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life coach Esther Linssen , IJsselvilla Deventer, zangles Deventer, singing

Voice Training

singing bird, zangles in Deventer, singing lessons stem training

Just Singing

In my singing practice you learn a classical technique. That also can be used for musical or pop.

Real learning happens from the inside out. The movement starts with you. Therefore, take your individuality as a starting point and let your inner motivation be the motor of your development. All exercises serve this purpose. Unlike singing lessons that are based on exercises and tips that often remove you from yourself, in these singing sessions you get tools that bring you closer to the core of the musician that you already are deep down.


My practice is currently based in Deventer. Singing lessons in Deventer & The Hague

Costs:  65,- hour

             50,- 45 minutes

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Creative Career Coach

guidance & support

As Artist's we encounter many challenges. We need to learn how to be creative and how to protect our brainchildren and ourselves from dangers that the outside world brings. The dangers come in many shapes and forms. Sometimes as people, yes also your loved ones, sometimes it takes the form of disappointment. And very often we ourselfves are the greatest threat for our creative growth and career. We need the support of someone who has been there-done that.

Costs: 65,- hour

Students age >21 € 35,- 45 minutes

Students age < 21 € 25,- 45 minutes

Let's Talk
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